

Thursday, April 5, 2007

A job?

So today i start talking to Alex (owns a power leveling, gold farming and all that service), asked if he would be interested in buying my damn Warcraft account, for the 2nd time, except im asking for money this time as i have quit!

After a bit of talking i said: "so you got any job openings?"
Don't know what i was thinking but he said he only has 2-3 other people in Melbourne working for his company and he trusts me pretty well.
Apart from the low pay, i can probably work from home... so realistically i would be doing pretty much what i do now... play games for most of the day and do a bit of study when its needed.
The difference between spending over 5 hours on my computer a day, well hard to tell actually as the modem is never turned off, but instead of spending those hours just sitting around doing nothing, i could be earning a tiny bit of cash aswell.

Its kind of a win win situation no?

World of Warcraft Accounts!

This damn thing wont sell! I swear it is haunting me.
I tried to sell it on Ebay and it just wouldnt go up no matter what i tried!
God why wont anyone buy this thing, i have advertised everywhere and still nothing. It will never leave me alone =[

Joels NSX

Joels NSX